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As winter blankets the landscape with snow, the picturesque scenes often come with a set of responsibilities of often early morning snow removal. While clearing snow is essential for accessibility and safety, it’s crucial to approach this task with caution. Snow removal can be physically demanding and potentially hazardous if not done with care. Here are your snow removal safety tips to help you remain safe and injury-free during the snowy and icy season.

1. Prepare Before You Start

Check Your Health

Before embarking on snow removal tasks, assess your physical condition. Shoveling snow is a very physical task and can be straining on your body, especially for individuals with heart conditions or those leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you’re not feeling well or have health concerns, it might be best to hire professionals or seek assistance.

Dress Appropriately

Wear layers of warm clothing to protect yourself from the cold. Waterproof and insulated boots with good traction will prevent slips and falls while keeping you warm. Wear a hat, gloves, and scarf to retain body heat and avoid frostbite.

2. Choose the Right Tools

Use Ergonomic Shovels

Invest in a lightweight, ergonomic snow shovel designed to reduce strain on your back and joints. Shovels with curved handles or adjustable lengths can help minimize bending and lifting, making the task less taxing on your body.

Consider Snowblowers

For larger areas with large amounts of snow, consider using a snowblower. First make sure the snowblower is in good working condition, and familiarize yourself with its operation manual. Keep hands and feet away from the machine’s moving parts, and always turn off the engine before performing any maintenance.

3. Practice Safe Techniques

Warm-Up Before Starting

Performing light exercises and stretching before shoveling can prepare your muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Warm-up exercises increase blood flow and flexibility, making it easier to handle the physical demands of snow removal.

Lift Properly

When lifting snow, bend your knees and lift with your legs rather than your back. Avoid twisting your body while carrying heavy loads; instead, pivot your feet to change direction. Pace yourself and take breaks as needed to prevent overexertion.

Push, Don’t Lift

Whenever possible, push snow rather than lifting it. Pushing requires less effort and puts less strain on your body. If you must lift snow, fill the shovel partially to reduce the weight and make lifting more manageable.

4. Be Mindful of Surroundings

Watch for Ice

Be vigilant of icy patches beneath the snow. Sprinkle rock salt, sand, or ice melt products on walkways and driveways to enhance traction and minimize slip hazards.

Stay Clear of Power Lines

When using snow removal equipment, be aware of overhead power lines. Keep equipment and extension cords away from power lines to avoid electrocution hazards.

5. Know When to Seek Help

Hire Professionals

If snow removal becomes too challenging or poses a risk to your health, consider hiring professionals to handle the task. Professional snow removal services have the expertise and equipment necessary to clear snow safely and efficiently.

Seek Assistance

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or neighbors. Collaborative snow removal efforts can make the task more manageable and foster community spirit.

Snow removal is an inevitable part of winter in South East Idaho and is key to avoiding water damage, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting or dangerous task. By prioritizing safety and following these essential tips, you can navigate the winter season with confidence and peace of mind. Stay warm, stay safe, and embrace the winter wonderland responsibly.