Is There a Cure for Mold?
Curing the Mold Problem at the Source
Everyone knows that when you leave something in the fridge too long or bread out on the counter too long mold grows on it and you have to throw it away. While this isn’t the only place it grows or the only kind of mold, it is the most common and the most well-known.
The mold that we see is actually a colony as a result of mold spores attaching itself to a surface and become a colony. Sadly, there is no way to just rid your life of all the spores in your home to prevent mold from even starting. Why? Because there are millions of mold spores. Even if you did manage to get rid of all the ones in your house, the moment you open the door or window more spores come right on in. So instead of trying to get rid of them we can work on lessening the possibility of the spore colonies forming. In order to do that we need to know what causes mold.
There are three main elements that cause mold:
While moisture is only one of the elements, it is the biggest contributor to mold growth. The amount of moisture in a given area is what determines the speed with which the spores grow into colonies. When it comes down to it colonies can easily pop up if there is a wet spot that isn’t dried promptly. This insidious pest can begin to grow with 24 to 48 hours of the forgotten spill.
In many newer houses the walls and insulation were built air-tight. The best of the best right? In some cases it may be but when it comes to mold it isn’t. Air-tight may have seemed like a good idea insulation-wise, but it inhibits the natural air circulation that would be able to dry out potential mold-attracting moisture.
One way to lessen the mold colony’s opportunities is to use the exhaust fans near the stove and when showering. This removes the moisture so that it isn’t left to attract mold spores. Open windows, circulation, or any moving air allows for those accidental or unnoticed wet spots can dry.
Unfortunately mold can grow in almost any temperature you are comfortable in. Since most everyone has seen the moldy bread they know it grows at room temperature. The mold in old refrigerator food means that it grows in cold temperatures as well! Very cold freezers and complete deserts are where the mold won’t go, but not many people can live comfortably in either of those extremes.
Mold grows at temperatures as lows as the 40’s and as high as the 100’s, but it loves room temperature (around the 70’s). So your nice cozy home with those average temperatures are also where the spores will like to congregate.
Also, mold can be caused by the humidity. In a humid place there are two key elements right there–temperature and water. Like the air, if the humidity is around 70% the spores will be able to float around until it finds a food source. It ‘s not hard to find a food source when you consider almost everything a food source! So if you live in a humid place you will need to be more aware of mold growth, and get rid of it as soon as you can.
A Food Source
There are so many sources that you wouldn’t even think would count as a food source for mold and yet they are. Mold is not the picky eater of the family, its the bottomless pit that will claim almost anything as food. In a bathroom, one of the most prevalent places for mold to grow, there are the tiles, any drywall it can reach and still have access to the moisture, and even dirt is a food source.
Most of the surfaces throughout your home have the necessary nutrients for mold to thrive. Carpet, insulation, cloth, wall boards, paper-backed materials, wood, and ceiling tiles can all be considered food. You can’t get rid of all these things just because mold considers it a food source. Just be aware of it so that you know to avoid combining all three elements to limit the mold growth in you home.